
Showing posts from December, 2014

A quick Christmas update

There is some exciting stuff going on around the Hannig home.  Uncle Joe (our 3 year neighbor in the guest house next door) got engaged on Thanksgiving!  He is getting married on December 20th (similar to Paul and I, he got engaged on a holiday and is getting married 3 weeks later.  Those Hannig boys know how to get it done)!  And he is marrying a wonderful woman, Hannah Tornquist.  Now all 4 Hannig boys will be married...and I couldn't honestly have asked for better sister-in-laws.  Now Hannah will join the Mrs. Hannig's - Ann (our matriarch), me, Eryn (Pete's wife), and Virginia (Mike's wife).  Welcome Hannah!  We love you so much.  And more exciting news on that front - they may actually live in the guest house for a while!  They have a home that will be ready in July.  Those plans are not firmed up, but can you imagine how much fun we'd all have for the next 6-7 months!?  Our kids will never forget these days, getting to kn...