
Showing posts from June, 2017

Home Runs

This morning, as Paul was leaving for work, he said to Ben, "Benny, hit a home run at tee-ball today." Ben responded, "That's the only thing I hit." :)  It's true, that's the funny part.  

Meet our Willmar Stinger

So much has happened since my lost post on April 24th.  The school year came to a close and we welcomed Eli Wilson, a University of MN baseball catcher, who is playing for the Willmar Stingers this summer and living with us.  We adore him!  He is an amazing young man of character and we are having a blast getting to know him.  He filled out a "Host Family" form prior to the season so that he could be placed with the best possible family.  On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most) he had to rate if he preferred living with kids under the age of 10.  He said "4" so we were blessed to get him!  Based on the decibel level around here, if he had the chance to fill out the form again, he might say 1 or 2.  :)  He's great with the kids and they are in love with him.  On the form he also had to rate how organized he was.  He put a "5" and also added a comment that said "VERY ORGANIZED."  I told my boys jokingly, "He's my favorite son alread...