
Showing posts from April, 2012

Clucking and Walking

Benny has discovered the clucking sound and is fascinated by it.   He's a clucking machine now.  He is also WALKING!  He walked at exactly the same time as his brother...a week or so before turning one.  In the last day or two he has also discovered his tongue and is sticking it out all the time...figuring out what it can do and what it feels like, what sounds he can make with it.  Benny is at the stage where he loves to hear his own voice and talks and talks and talks.  It sounds like "Whoa-aa, wowee, whoa-a, ooooh, ohhhh" etc.  So he walks around unsteadily, clucking, sticking out his tongue, and saying "Whoa-aa.  Ba. Ba.  Woweeee.  Da.  Da.  Da.  Ohhhhh. Whoa-a whoa-a."  


I love how it is hard for little boys to say their S's.  Today I overheard Luke saying to his daddy, "Dad, can you mell my feet?  Are they dinky?"  (Obviously he is saying "Can you smell  my feet?  Are they stinky?") .  He also says, "Mom, where are my bikes?  I want to play baseball."  (His bikes are his spikes).  He likes to play with his hockey dick ( stick ) and has lots of dickers ( stickers ).  It's so darn cute. And out of the blue as I'm typing, he just yelled up to me from the living room, "Mom, why do you want me to day ( stay ) three?"  I told him I don't want him to ever get bigger.  He told me that when Benny is three he will be five.  Oh, don't be five yet Luke!  Day three forever (S tay three forever )! Love Mom

Luke is THREE!

Luke turned 3 on March 29th.  As everyone always tells us it will - it went fast.  3 years.  My baby isn't so little anymore.  My heart swells with love for him every day. My professional looking cake Luke with his new Lightening McQueen shirt and shorts on (slippers to match from uncle Joe for Christmas). His new golf clubs from his friends Emmett and Erik.

A year has come and gone

Ben will be ONE this week.  May day.  His first birthday will be his golden birthday.  May 1st.  It feels like a year has flown by.  At the same time, it seems like an eternity ago that we left the Maple Grove hospital and moved to our rental house in New London.  It's funny how time works that way - so fast but so slow.  The past year has brought so many wonderful changes for our family.  Our family grew by one member and we all adjusted to our new roles - parent of 2 boys, sibling, brother, family of four.  We have bought a house we will call home forever, we have met new friends, we have spent precious time with family, we have found a new church home, we have become New London-Spicer Wildcats. The best change (according to the author of this blog) is the new career of Stay-at-Home-Mom.  I have updated my career status on Facebook to say "Luke and Benny's Mom."  What a privilege to be their mom and to get to spend each moment o...

Too much to capture

I've been absent from blogging because so much is happening every day that I can't possibly capture it all.  So it seems overwhelming to even try.  But here goes: Luke is going #1 in the toilet (or in the woods), and he does it standing up like a big boy.  He still wears a diaper at night and for going #2.  We are working on that.  He says funnier and funnier things every time he opens his mouth.  I will have to try to get some of those down when I have more time.  He had his 3 year doctor appointment last week and weighs 36 lbs, 12.8 oz and is 3 ft, 3 inches tall. Ben turned 11 months and added 'Daddy' and "Oh Oh" to his growing vocabulary, which is now up to 3 words (ball, daddy, oh oh).  He walks well when holding on to just one of our fingers, but isn't walking on his own quite yet.  He loves to dance and taps his foot to any music - quite on beat, I must add.  He is starting to love cars and makes "vroom" sounds as he pushes the...