A year has come and gone
Ben will be ONE this week. May day. His first birthday will be his golden birthday. May 1st. It feels like a year has flown by. At the same time, it seems like an eternity ago that we left the Maple Grove hospital and moved to our rental house in New London. It's funny how time works that way - so fast but so slow. The past year has brought so many wonderful changes for our family. Our family grew by one member and we all adjusted to our new roles - parent of 2 boys, sibling, brother, family of four. We have bought a house we will call home forever, we have met new friends, we have spent precious time with family, we have found a new church home, we have become New London-Spicer Wildcats.
The best change (according to the author of this blog) is the new career of Stay-at-Home-Mom. I have updated my career status on Facebook to say "Luke and Benny's Mom." What a privilege to be their mom and to get to spend each moment of each day loving them and being with them and watching them grow and teaching them as best I can. It has changed my life being home with them. It has changed our marriage. I love being Paul's wife and I can be a better wife now that I am not pulled in a million directions. God has surely blessed me...and I know it is all undeserved. God's grace is amazing.
Below are some of my stay-at-home-mom moments that I cherish so much.
At the Spicer Playground

The best change (according to the author of this blog) is the new career of Stay-at-Home-Mom. I have updated my career status on Facebook to say "Luke and Benny's Mom." What a privilege to be their mom and to get to spend each moment of each day loving them and being with them and watching them grow and teaching them as best I can. It has changed my life being home with them. It has changed our marriage. I love being Paul's wife and I can be a better wife now that I am not pulled in a million directions. God has surely blessed me...and I know it is all undeserved. God's grace is amazing.
Below are some of my stay-at-home-mom moments that I cherish so much.
At the Spicer Playground
Below: Luke singing with his "music pumper" as he calls it!
Below: Ben discovering things (night lights) and Luke discovering things (wearing my shoes).
Below: Trips to 'wherever' in the car (Benny likes to wear his Wilson head/sweat-band just in case we do a lot of running or sweating).
Below: Brothers just getting to know one another and figuring each other out!
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