
Showing posts from February, 2013

Dear Baby #3 Hannig

Hi Baby, I am almost 20 weeks pregnant with you (half way to your due date on July 9).  I have been feeling great in the past month or 2.  The first 12 weeks were full of extreme fatigue and some nausea.  I felt you move for the first time just a few days ago (at about 18 weeks and 5 or 6 days)!  At first I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was indeed YOU, but after lying on my back for a while, I realized that what I was feeling was definitely a little squirmy baby moving around.  We wonder what you will be - a boy or a girl.  I don't care.  I would love three boys, but a girl would be sweet and exciting for all of us.  I just got results today from one genetic screening test (it detects Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects) and the test result was negative, meaning the likelihood of you having a neural tube defect is slim to none.  What good news!  Next week we will get the results of the other 3 tests.  We are praying for ...

My baby starts preschool

It truly seems like Luke JUST came into our lives, but of course almost 4 years have passed since he physically came into our sight and lives with jet black wavy hair and huge hands and feet (and it has been almost 5 years since he was created and my pregnancy started - in July of 2008).  Well now he is off to preschool!  It may seem like he is starting at an odd time - February - but we weren't on the ball enough to get him started right after the New Year, and this past Fall he wasn't quite ready to separate from his mama.  So February it is.  He is going one morning a week (Fridays from 8:30-11:30am) to Praise and Play preschool at Faith Lutheran Church in Spicer.  It is a perfect segue into preschool:  just one morning a week; on Fridays when there are only 4 kids in the class; his good friend, Liam Macik, is one of those 4; and the teacher is Ms. Paula, perhaps the sweetest woman in the world next to Luke's Grandmas, Annie and Marcy. We talked about ...

Cancun Mexico!

Paul and I were recently blessed with a week long vacation to Cancun!  Thanks to AMAZING grandpas and grandmas, Paul and I were able to leave the boys and have some precious one-on-one time together.  The boys did so great this year (last year Luke was a little blue each night and Benny was probably P.O.'d from being cut off from nursing cold turkey).  :) I communicated with my mom via email quite a bit during the week, which eased my mind considerably and made me truly enjoy my time with Paul.  She let me know that all was fine and that the boys didn't seem to miss us at all.  :)  Here are a few excerpts from my mom - which captures the spirit of Luke and Ben better than I seem to be able to at times! This first email is regarding the first night (when we left at 1:30am) and the boys woke up to Grandpa and Grandma Dold until the Hannigs arrived to take the boys for the first part of the week: Hi....glad you're enjoying yourself. The boys did not make ...