A quick morning Meri update
My little girl is 7 weeks old today. She slept from 11:30pm until 8am on Saturday night/Sunday morning! Last night (Monday) she slept from 10:45 until 6am! Then she nursed and went right back to bed and is still sleeping at 9am (which is why I can jump online and give a morning update). What a good little sleeper (like her brother Luke, who is also still sleeping. Benny, on the other hand, is up at 7am regardless of when he goes to bed the night before). Meri is still a peanut. She probably weighs the same as my boys did at birth (9 lbs? We don't have a working scale to confirm her weight). She started to give us some sweet smiles in the past week or so and is clearly following us with her eyes. She stops fussing instantly if I sing to her. She will stop sucking her pacifier and it will fall half-way out, just hanging on her bottom lip, as she gazes up at me to hear her lullaby with her big, wide eyes. Some other Meri facts: ...