I keep tucking away little mental notes in the back my mind of all the sweet and kindhearted things Ben does, anticipating that eventually I will get them written down. Lately, they come multiple times a day, and they are so genuine and a part of his nature, that it almost makes me cry at times. It's little things that he does; kind words that he offers, or ways that he jumps in to help with a willing attitude and heart, or the forgiveness he offers, or how he takes care of Meredith. It requires no effort on his part, there is no pride or self-motivation attached, he is looking for no accolades or attention. And that BLOWS. ME. AWAY. He truly is a special boy. A few simple examples of late.... Meredith wouldn't pick up her bag of foam letters. I told her multiple times, over the course of about 20 minutes, that we couldn't and wouldn't go to our play date until she picked them up. A few minutes after I had last asked her to pick them up, I h...