All three of my little babes are meeting milestones like crazy this summer. Let's start with the oldest of the crew - Mr. Luke Ervin: Milestones of note for LUKE : 1. Biking (previously mentioned in a blog post) 2. Swimming without a lifejacket, in the deep end. Diving, cannon-balling, sommer-saulting, 360'ing off the diving board, and more. He is amazing! Just a month ago he wouldn't jump in the shallow end of the pool and get his face wet. We are extremely amazed at and proud of him. The picture below is from the auqatic center in Willmar...since the time of this picture he has completely stopped needing a life jacket but I wanted to add this picture b/c it's so cool. 3. Teeball'ing as a switch hitter; catching a baseball like never before. One day he hits right handed, the next left. What will he be??? We've determined he will just be a switch hitter! We are so proud of him for playing and improving ...
El Niño Y Tu Pilin