Tonight as I was lying with Luke in his bed, getting ready to pray, I said " Luke, we are so blessed to have this wonderful house, this comfy bed we're lying on. Do you know that some people don't have houses and have to sleep outside?" He didn't give much of a response, so I continued. " What if we didn't have this house and you had to sleep outside?" Luke responded, " We could move my bed outside, Momma." Good answer. " Okay, so Luke, some people don't have BEDS either. Can you imagine?" And Luke thought a bit, then said, "Well, I guess we'd have to move the couches outside..." Good thinking once again. I then asked him to imagine for a minute that we had no house, no bed, no couch, and just a few blankets we could pile up to make a comfy bed outside. Luke said, "Where is my blanket, Momma? Can you get it?" So that was the end of that conversation! I got his blanket and said a qui...