Today I witnessed my two boys' behavior on opposite ends of the spectrum. Luke was setting a puzzle. Ben decided to walk all over it. I sensed something from the kitchen and as I looked down to the living room, I saw Luke punch Ben in the stomach. I ran down to intervene, grabbed Luke - to avoid further punching - and brought him to the couch. I told him he would get a spanking. We talked about being a loving brother and about how he is supposed to come to me if he has an issue with Ben, rather than taking matters into his own hands (hands which turn into fists and punch in the gut). He started to cry and cry and cry. Ben (who wasn't even crying from getting socked in the gut), came around to the front of the couch with his
most prized possession - his tassled green blankie with the footballs on it - and offered it to Luke for comfort. It was so precious. Luke took the offering and snuggled with half of the blankie, and Ben stood there, too, and laid his head on the other half of the blankie. THAT is loving your brother. Getting punched in the gut by him and then turning around to offer him your most precious gift.
What a lesson Luke learned from his baby brother. Good job, Benny.
Out for a beautiful Fall jog |
playing together (nicely here) |
on your mark, get set, GO! Racing in the living room. |
On y
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