Baby update and Spring happenings
This 3rd little babe is due in just 4 weeks and 1 day. Today is June 10th and the baby is due July 9th. This entire pregnancy has been awesome, easy, enjoyable, and comfortable. But for some reason, a few days ago, I became extremely uncomfortable. It may have just been the day. I think my belly doubled in size overnight. I felt the baby's hard little butt and feet and shoulders jamming into my ribs all day. My lower back ached. I was exhausted. Since then I have felt a little better, but I don't think these last few weeks will go back to the easy bliss I felt the first 36 weeks.
The boys are getting excited to meet their new little brother or sister. Luke insists that he gets to sit next to the baby in the car and that Ben be the one to move to the very back. Luke also insists that he gets to ride in the middle seat of the triple jogger that I bought (I found it at a garage sale for a steal!) so that he can take care of both the new baby and Benny. I think I will find that the combined 82 pounds of Luke and Ben may validate my belief that they will need to be on the outside seats to balance out the stroller....or I will be veering one way the entire time. Here is my stroller. LOVE. And my tulips, since you can see them behind the stroller. Also LOVE.
Luke finished his last day of preschool last Wednesday - and I am SO PROUD OF HIM. He loved school and grew so much in the few months he was there. He only started in February, and just went one morning a week, but he sure loved it and it has made him come out of his shell a ton. Here is what his teacher had to say about him at his assessment a month ago:
He likes to observe first before jumping in, and he is quite cautious, but his awesome teacher, Ms. Paula, was like a second mom to him and really helped encourage him to come out of his shell. Next year he will go 3 mornings a week. I know he will be ready and excited, although it makes me a bit sad to let him go. (I am already dreading kindergarten and all-day-every-day school). There was a family fun night at his school on the very last day and there was a horse there to ride! The boys were so excited!
Last Friday we went to the Willmar Stingers game with my good friend, Gina, and her boys. Liam is her middle boy and he and Luke are in preschool together. It was free jersey night and we had so much fun!
In addition to these fun events, we've had haircuts (sorry about the x-rated pic),
Luke dressing himself for church,
daddy's softball games,
a new van,
pool time,
trips to the playground,
lots and lots and lots of watermelons,
throwing rocks at the Green Lake public access,
and many three-wheeler rides.
More updates soon. Enjoy the beautiful week!
Luke finished his last day of preschool last Wednesday - and I am SO PROUD OF HIM. He loved school and grew so much in the few months he was there. He only started in February, and just went one morning a week, but he sure loved it and it has made him come out of his shell a ton. Here is what his teacher had to say about him at his assessment a month ago:
He likes to observe first before jumping in, and he is quite cautious, but his awesome teacher, Ms. Paula, was like a second mom to him and really helped encourage him to come out of his shell. Next year he will go 3 mornings a week. I know he will be ready and excited, although it makes me a bit sad to let him go. (I am already dreading kindergarten and all-day-every-day school). There was a family fun night at his school on the very last day and there was a horse there to ride! The boys were so excited!
Last Friday we went to the Willmar Stingers game with my good friend, Gina, and her boys. Liam is her middle boy and he and Luke are in preschool together. It was free jersey night and we had so much fun!
In addition to these fun events, we've had haircuts (sorry about the x-rated pic),
Luke dressing himself for church,
daddy's softball games,
pool time,
trips to the playground,
lots and lots and lots of watermelons,
throwing rocks at the Green Lake public access,
and many three-wheeler rides.
More updates soon. Enjoy the beautiful week!
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