Benjer goes potty

You are just 2 years and 4 months old, but last Sunday (today is Friday, so 5 days ago) you went potty outside.  You went in the woods with me and went on a pile of dirt.  I was SO proud of you.  Every day since you have gone - most often multiple times a day and sometimes you don't even tell me you have to go, you just walk outside and go.  Yesterday I was in the basement and you yelled down to me that you went potty in the the 'froggy' (our little potty chair is a frog).  I came upstairs, and sure enough, you had gone potty in the froggy for the first time.  SO PROUD once again.  Now today you have gone outside and on the froggy multiple times.  You have such a positive attitude and if I ask you if you want to go potty you exclaim, "Yeah!  Gonna go potty on the froggy, mommy!" and you take off running for the bathroom.  I get such a kick out of you.  We all do.  You have an amazingly positive attitude about everything in life.  If I ask you to help me unload the dishwasher you shout "SURE MOM!" and run over to help with a smile on your face, ready to jump in to the newest adventure of life - unloading the dishwasher.  If you take out toys to play with you always say "Okay, gotta clean up now, Mom" and you will start to put your toys away.  If I say, "I'm going to do the laundry" you proclaim, "ME TOO, MOM!" and hussle over to help me.  Just right now you said, "I want to go bedtime."  Instead of fighting bedtime, you are telling us to put you to bed.  I love your sweet and kind spirit.

Keep up the good work on the potty training, bud!
Love, Mom
Planting trees and potty training last Sunday!


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