Let the summer begin!!!
Well, I'm a little behind because the summer started quite a while ago, but I'm finally getting back to this post that I started around Memorial Day. We have had more action at the Hannig compound in the past month than we have had the first 3 years of living here. I can hardly determine how to recap it all. I will just let the pictures tell the story, as I often resort to doing. This is just the first few weeks of summer. I will have to add another post shortly, to catch us up to July!
First, we have Meredith, just being cute. She will be ONE YEAR OLD TOMORROW! That will require a special post of its own. More on her birthday at a later date.
Here we have a mid-May picture of our pool with the fence taken down. We are preparing for excavation, which was scheduled to begin on June 9th, but actually started on June 11th. More on the pool in a different post as well!
Meredith is enjoying some ice cold lemon water while watching me plant flowers on the side of Joe's house.
Here the Hannigs are (minus Paul) with WCCO news. They were in New London and Spicer for a long weekend as part of their "Goin' to the Lake" series this summer. They were broadcasting from O'Neil's and I decided to run down for the 10pm broadcast becuase Paul fell asleep on the end of the boys' bed when putting them down for the night.
Lukey getting naked to play in the sprinkler.
Our new double lounger...the greatest purchase of the year on Craig's List! Five boys eating graham crackers, no problem, this lounger can accommodate. Fun with the Tennant boys.

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