A couple of Meredith facts
Mer-bear, I have a few facts about you in my head so I better write them down before I forget. You are 15 months, almost 16 months old. You still do not say MOM! You have been saying dad (daaa!) for about 6 months now, but you have yet to refer to me as anything. Sometimes we ask you to say "mom" and you respond by saying "daaa" so maybe, just maybe, you are calling me mom by calling me daa. Hmm, not sure..because usually you yell DAAA pretty adamantly when you see dad drive up, or when you are trying to get his attention. You know a little sign language and use it often - more, please, and thank you. You also nod your head 'yes' very aggressively when we ask you a yes or no question, like "do you want a snack?" Up and down goes your head in excitement. Your chin goes all the way down to touch your clavicle. You continue to love waving, and have the prettiest, most graceful little wave. You are very friendly and a lot of passing...