A couple of Meredith facts
I have a few facts about you in my head so I better write them down before I forget. You are 15 months, almost 16 months old. You still do not say MOM! You have been saying dad (daaa!) for about 6 months now, but you have yet to refer to me as anything. Sometimes we ask you to say "mom" and you respond by saying "daaa" so maybe, just maybe, you are calling me mom by calling me daa. Hmm, not sure..because usually you yell DAAA pretty adamantly when you see dad drive up, or when you are trying to get his attention.
You know a little sign language and use it often - more, please, and thank you. You also nod your head 'yes' very aggressively when we ask you a yes or no question, like "do you want a snack?" Up and down goes your head in excitement. Your chin goes all the way down to touch your clavicle.
You continue to love waving, and have the prettiest, most graceful little wave. You are very friendly and a lot of passing cars get to benefit from your sweet wave.
You still like to nurse and will pull at my shirt and do the "more" sign when you are hoping to nurse. You always have to have your pacifier in your hand while nursing, and you will suck on the paci, then pull it out and nurse for a bit, then you go back to the pacifier. It's quite a process. Needless to say, you love your pacifiers. You get giddy if we give you a second pacifier to simply hold in your hand while sucking on the first one. That little strategy/tactic has saved us a lot of push-back from you when on the changing table for a diaper change. If we tell you you can have another pacifier you lie still and calm, with a big smile on your face.
You love to eat frozen blueberries. You refuse to let us spoon feed you anything, but you don't like to use the spoon yet yourself, so you end up (stubbornly) eating oatmeal and soup and yogurt with your hands. It's a disaster to clean you up! You also know where a lot of snacks are, and will grab a box of something you'd like from the pantry, walk over to your dad or me, tug on our pants to get our attention, and lift up the snack you want. Then you head to the bib drawer to get your own bib. And finally, you go to the cupboard with the little tupperware and snack containers and pick out the one your want us to put your snack in.
You give me lots of hugs and put your head on my shoulder a lot. It is the best feeling in the world. You also see your dad and brothers wrestling so you love to wrestle now too. If your dad is lying on the floor, you go and fall on top of his belly, pretending you are wrestling him. It's cute.
You are pretty tough b/c of your brothers and if you want something, you aren't about to let anyone get in your way. You took one of Lukey's Lego guys the other day and ran away with it. He managed to peel it out of your hand, and went back to the Lego table to continue building. You slyly made your way back over there, and when he put his Lego guy down on the table, you snatched it again and took off. He was after you in a second, and this time he couldn't peel it out of your grip. So he wrestled you to the ground, trying to get the Lego guy. You would not let go! He started to drag you, on your back, across the kitchen floor by your hand, trying the entire time to get that Lego guy out of your grip, but you would not let go! I watched the entire thing in amazement. Finally, as Luke begged for my assistance, I helped him get the Lego guy out of your death grip, and pulled you up off of your back and sat you up on the kitchen floor. But not to worry, Meredith, because sweet Benny was by you within a second saying, "Meri, Meri, I made you a new Lego guy! Here you go, Meri! This one is for you." You were satisfied with the new Lego guy, although I know there was just something about taking the ONE Lego guy that Luke was using that made it so much better than the 100 other Lego guys we have. You are one tough little lady.
That's all for now. We love you so much!

I have a few facts about you in my head so I better write them down before I forget. You are 15 months, almost 16 months old. You still do not say MOM! You have been saying dad (daaa!) for about 6 months now, but you have yet to refer to me as anything. Sometimes we ask you to say "mom" and you respond by saying "daaa" so maybe, just maybe, you are calling me mom by calling me daa. Hmm, not sure..because usually you yell DAAA pretty adamantly when you see dad drive up, or when you are trying to get his attention.
You know a little sign language and use it often - more, please, and thank you. You also nod your head 'yes' very aggressively when we ask you a yes or no question, like "do you want a snack?" Up and down goes your head in excitement. Your chin goes all the way down to touch your clavicle.
You continue to love waving, and have the prettiest, most graceful little wave. You are very friendly and a lot of passing cars get to benefit from your sweet wave.
You still like to nurse and will pull at my shirt and do the "more" sign when you are hoping to nurse. You always have to have your pacifier in your hand while nursing, and you will suck on the paci, then pull it out and nurse for a bit, then you go back to the pacifier. It's quite a process. Needless to say, you love your pacifiers. You get giddy if we give you a second pacifier to simply hold in your hand while sucking on the first one. That little strategy/tactic has saved us a lot of push-back from you when on the changing table for a diaper change. If we tell you you can have another pacifier you lie still and calm, with a big smile on your face.
You love to eat frozen blueberries. You refuse to let us spoon feed you anything, but you don't like to use the spoon yet yourself, so you end up (stubbornly) eating oatmeal and soup and yogurt with your hands. It's a disaster to clean you up! You also know where a lot of snacks are, and will grab a box of something you'd like from the pantry, walk over to your dad or me, tug on our pants to get our attention, and lift up the snack you want. Then you head to the bib drawer to get your own bib. And finally, you go to the cupboard with the little tupperware and snack containers and pick out the one your want us to put your snack in.
You give me lots of hugs and put your head on my shoulder a lot. It is the best feeling in the world. You also see your dad and brothers wrestling so you love to wrestle now too. If your dad is lying on the floor, you go and fall on top of his belly, pretending you are wrestling him. It's cute.
You are pretty tough b/c of your brothers and if you want something, you aren't about to let anyone get in your way. You took one of Lukey's Lego guys the other day and ran away with it. He managed to peel it out of your hand, and went back to the Lego table to continue building. You slyly made your way back over there, and when he put his Lego guy down on the table, you snatched it again and took off. He was after you in a second, and this time he couldn't peel it out of your grip. So he wrestled you to the ground, trying to get the Lego guy. You would not let go! He started to drag you, on your back, across the kitchen floor by your hand, trying the entire time to get that Lego guy out of your grip, but you would not let go! I watched the entire thing in amazement. Finally, as Luke begged for my assistance, I helped him get the Lego guy out of your death grip, and pulled you up off of your back and sat you up on the kitchen floor. But not to worry, Meredith, because sweet Benny was by you within a second saying, "Meri, Meri, I made you a new Lego guy! Here you go, Meri! This one is for you." You were satisfied with the new Lego guy, although I know there was just something about taking the ONE Lego guy that Luke was using that made it so much better than the 100 other Lego guys we have. You are one tough little lady.
That's all for now. We love you so much!

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