Halloween 2014
It was 10:30pm on Halloween night. As we are about to leave our friend's house and head home with tired kids and lots of candy, Luke said, "Mom, when are we going to carve OUR pumpkins?"
Oh boy. Okay, I will admit, I did not forget, or even drop the ball. I thought of it often throughout the entire month of October. The kids would see pumpkins at the store and ask if we could buy them *now*, and I would tell them that we'd wait until a little closer to Halloween. My intentions really were to carve pumpkins, but at the time I was selfishly avoiding it because, for some reason, I didn't have the energy to attack it. I do LOVE carving pumpkins. Perhaps when Meredith is a year older and I can be sure she won't cut herself with the carving knife or stick her head in the jack-o-lantern and get it stuck, then I will be able to find the energy to carve the most amazing jack-o-lanterns ever. So kids, I'm apologizing. We still had fun, I mean we hung pumpkin lights, and spiders, and had a few plastic pumpkins on display around the house. :) And we went out to the Greg and Gina Macik's neighborhood for a party and trick-or-treating. All the kids were pulled on a trailer and you had SO MUCH FUN running from house to house in the dark with your friends on a Friday night! It was safe and exciting. Benny was the first to call it quits. :) Here you are ready to head out for the festivities.
Here they are as ducks:
Indifferent duck Luke in 2010 - 19 months old. Very unhappy duck Ben in 2012 - 18 months old
Happy and proud duck Meredith in 2014 - 16 months old

Here is Meredith the morning after Halloween. Still cozy in her ducky costume |
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