Today Benny mentioned something about April twenty-tooth. He meant "twenty-second" but he was thinking twenty-two with a 'th' on the end. Twenty-two'th. :) Later in the evening, Luke ran in from outside and asked "Where's Dad?" I said, "Pooping." Ben chimed in without missing a beat, "They don't call dad The Pooper for nothing." Bahahaaa! The more I thought about what he said and how quickly his little brain spit it out, the more funny it became to me. And earlier in the day, Meredith and I were listening to our church service online (on my phone, in the car) because I had been on the worship team and wanted to see how it sounded (and how badly I shook the shaker! I'm no percussionist). As Meredith held the iphone and watched, and I drove the car, she said to me, "You look pretty. Your face looks pretty." It made me feel so good. Even if it's just my little girl that thinks that, it...