Meredith finishes year one of Pre-K



Meredith finished up her first year of preschool at Praise and Play on May 24th.  She is going back for another year next year.  She loved her teacher, Miss Patsy, and made so many new friends.  She is so brave and adventurous, adding full days almost right away, taking school lunch, and embracing rest time despite the fact that she doesn't ever nap.  :)  Many days I would arrive to pick her up and she would shoo me away to get the boys at the elementary school first, then come back to pick her up, because she was too busy having fun to be ready to leave.  We love seeing this little girl grow up, while at the same time we are sad to see her grow up.  But, as Paul would say, "take comfort in the fact that you don't have a choice" - we know we cannot stop time, we do not have that option or choice, so we embrace all the special little moments that we have with Meredith along with way. 


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