A few catch up posts simply so I can have record of these events. Luke is 2 1/2 in 2 days. I can finally say he knows all of his colors. I thought he was color blind for a while b/c he couldn't get red and green. But thanks to the book of colors from the Spicer library, he's got it all figured out now! He's a funny boy, usually egged on by his dad, who teaches him to do and say all sorts of funny things. In the morning when Paul is leaving for work, Luke will say to him, "Going to Rainbow, Dad? Make cash money?" He will rub his thumb and pointer finger together to signal 'making cash'. And he still calls Rambow "Rainbow." We went to The A'maze'n Farmyard in Eden Valley in August and Luke had a blast. He LOVED the kitties, road on a pony, went on a train ride, went down a huge slide with me, sat on a big tractor, and ran with the baby goats. We are going back this weekend with all his Dold cousins. We can't...