Summer catch up
A few catch up posts simply so I can have record of these events.
Luke is 2 1/2 in 2 days. I can finally say he knows all of his colors. I thought he was color blind for a while b/c he couldn't get red and green. But thanks to the book of colors from the Spicer library, he's got it all figured out now! He's a funny boy, usually egged on by his dad, who teaches him to do and say all sorts of funny things. In the morning when Paul is leaving for work, Luke will say to him, "Going to Rainbow, Dad? Make cash money?" He will rub his thumb and pointer finger together to signal 'making cash'. And he still calls Rambow "Rainbow."
I'm sure you've noticed that in most pictures Luke is sporting his baseball helmet and purple football jersey. I finally got the purple jersey off of him this morning to throw it in the wash. He'd been wearing it day and night since Saturday morning. When he lets me clothe him in something other than the jersey, I find myself looking at a totally new kid. This is one of my favorite pictures from a "non-football-jersey" day.
Luke is 2 1/2 in 2 days. I can finally say he knows all of his colors. I thought he was color blind for a while b/c he couldn't get red and green. But thanks to the book of colors from the Spicer library, he's got it all figured out now! He's a funny boy, usually egged on by his dad, who teaches him to do and say all sorts of funny things. In the morning when Paul is leaving for work, Luke will say to him, "Going to Rainbow, Dad? Make cash money?" He will rub his thumb and pointer finger together to signal 'making cash'. And he still calls Rambow "Rainbow."
We went to The A'maze'n Farmyard in Eden Valley in August and Luke had a blast. He LOVED the kitties, road on a pony, went on a train ride, went down a huge slide with me, sat on a big tractor, and ran with the baby goats. We are going back this weekend with all his Dold cousins. We can't wait!
A favorite summer activity of ours is our weekend at the Brown Cabin on Green Lake (our friends Tanya and Benji Olson).
The new bike trailer! Ben looks thrilled. Probably b/c after we got home we realized the dirt must kick up off of the tires of the bike and hit the kids. Ben's hair was full of pebbles and dirt. I'm sure he must have taken some in the mouth and eyes too!
One of our daily adventures. We are heading to the New London Spicer football scimmage on a Saturday morning. We decided to take the jogger stroller and run instead of drive. But I had to pack the rollerblades b/c I didn't think I'd feel like running back home after the scrimmage. Luke insisted on bringing his lawn mower and golf clubs to the scrimmge. So, this is how we headed out for our adventure. (Does anyone watch the Cat in the Hat? "Here we go go go go on our adventure, this thinga-ma-jigger is up and away..." I find myself singing this song as we head out...). Our pastor's wife commented that I must look like a Gypsy as I stroll around town! I love to run for pure enjoyment and don't really know how far we're going. All I know is that it takes roughly 25 minutes to run to the playground, 34 minutes to run to the post office, 29 minutes to run to the library, 16 minutes to run to the bridge to throw rocks, and 34 minues to run to the Country Stop gas station for our donuts and coffee!
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