At dinner tonight, Luke pointed to Ben across the table and said to me, "That boy likes to eat 'tatoes." (As Ben was shoveling them in).
Luke has been a very good big brother to Benny lately. He hugs him, shares with him, gives him rides on the toy four-wheeler, brings him toys, and just generally watches out for him. Today at the grocery store Ben was throwing toys on the floor. I was trying to get Ben to follow me and get away from the toys, but I had my hands full and couldn't really grab him or stop him from taking toys off the shelf. So Luke tried to steer him my way, and when Ben started walking toward me, Luke ran back and picked up all the toys Ben had taken off the shelf and put them away. Then Ben headed back for the toys so this time Luke started walking toward me, knowing that Ben would follow him. It was cute to watch the entire interaction. I was proud of Luke - for realizing it was the right thing to do to pick up the toys that Ben had misplaced rather than leaving them lie on the floor, for being smart in how he got Ben to follow him and come toward me, and for just being kind while doing it.
We eventually made it out of the store, but only after Ben tore apart the greeting card section. In the time it took me to locate the graduation cards (approximately 1 second) Ben had whirled his way through the entire card section like a little tornado. It appears he was most interested in
Happy Birthday, Cousin cards. I didn't even know they had those.
Here are a few pictures.
So upset for a brief moment |
Just fine now... |
Brothers hanging out together, eating Saltines |
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