Ben is adding a few words to his vocabulary. He says "Mow" (rhymes with "How") to communicate "more." So we often here him yelling "Mow, mow, mow" when he is at the table eating. He can sort of say "car" sounds like "Ka, Ka." It is interesting to me how quickly he picks up on sounds or actions simply because he has an older brother. Ben is doing things that Luke took much longer to do, simply b/c he imitates his brother, Luke. For example, he makes a shooting sound when he is holding anything remotely close to resembling a gun. He also makes the Vrrrmm sound when driving his little cars around.
He continues to be a little snuggle bug and will run up behind me and put his arms around me and his head in my legs for a big hug. He also will hide behind me and wraps his arms around my leg for safety, like what you would imagine a typical baby doing.
Luke continues to beat him and push him around. Ben is so tough and generally takes it all, always getting back up after being knocked down. Once in a while he will run to me and hide behind my leg b/c he is afraid of Luke. Luke has spent significant amounts of time in the Time Out chair and been spanked quite a bit lately. He also loses privileges like watching Tom and Jerry (his favorite) or getting fruit snacks. At times he shows genuine love and affection for Ben and they play and giggle and roll around like sweet brothers. Those moments warm my heart. I know they will be BEST FRIENDS. What a blessing to have a sibling.
Luke is still a joy, even though the Three's have been a little rocky. He picks up so many sayings and mannerisms from me, Paul, and just about anyone else he encounters. He will say things like, "Mom, let's rock that grocery cart" while pointing to the one he wants. That must be from Paul. Dave and Ann Hannig were going to come over last night and they told Luke that. When they mentioned again they would be coming, Luke said, "Yep, that's what I heared." He took my chapstick in the car a few days ago and said, "Mom, I'll give it back when we get to the water park. Is that a plan Stan?" So cute.
Tired mom. More soon.
Arrowood Resort in Alexandria with the Dold Family |
4th of July boating with the Olson's and friends. Benny was a trooper with the lifejacket. |
What? The helmet made a guest appearance a few weeks back. I have missed it, to be honest. But it didn't last long. Many people still ask where the helmet is when they see Luke without it. |
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