Ben Ben
Luke started calling Benjamin "Ben-Ben." I like it. Ben-Ben has become quite a little boy. Here are some things that make our Ben-Ben, well, our Ben-Ben.
**He loves to wear undies (over his diaper), which I believe I already mentioned in a previous posting. He comes barreling down the hall with a new pair of undies every few hours and launches them at me, yelling, "Undies, Undies!" He refuses to wear pants or socks.
**He fell in love with the game of golf and plays from morning till night. He sleeps with his golf clubs and brings them in the car with us wherever we go. At 7am he comes into our room with his clubs and says "Ready golf Daddy?!" Check out this video I posted on Youtube:
And here he is bringing his golf clubs with him to get the mail with me.

**He follows direction and is very obedient. If we ask him to get a diaper, throw something in the garbage, put away his jammies, bring his dinner plate to the sink or clean up his toys, he takes off in a sprint yelling "ALRIGHT!" to us as he goes about his chore. What a good attitude he has while he's doing his chores, too!
**He is the only 1 1/2 year old I know that puts himself down for a nap. When he is tired he grabs his blankie, says "Nigh nigh," and walks down the hall to Luke's room. He steps up on his little red step stool, crawls into the corner of the bed and goes to sleep. Nighttime is similar, although there are nights where it doesn't go quite as smoothly simply because he doesn't want to stop golfing.
**He loves baths and takes 2 a day at times. He'd take more if we'd let him. He yells "Baff Mommy! I wanna baff." multiple times throughout the day.
**He is a pretty free spirit. Where his brother is more conservative and cautious, Ben just goes for it. If Ben and Luke get a bouncy ball at the little Green Lake Mall, Luke sticks it right in his pocket to keep it safe. Ben, on the other hand, lets that baby fly. He wails it against the wall and watches it fly down the hallway, bouncing from the walls to the ceiling to walls again as it travels down the hall. He takes off in a sprint to chase it, giggling the entire way, and often diving on the floor to stop and secure the bouncy ball.
**He loves his wacket (i.e., jacket, which is actually a yellow vest) and any sort of sunglasses (or goggles).

**He agrees to sit on the "potty" almost every time we ask (though he hasn't actually been successful yet).
**He loves watermelon as much as his daddy and even eats it just like Paul with a spoon right out of the melon. I caught him doing this for the first time a few days ago (picture below). This could hurt our grocery budget since in the summertime we have been known to consistently eat 4 watermelons in 4 days. Ben now eats watermelon 4-5 times a day. This summer we might go through 8 watermelons in 4 days. Yikes!
**When I ask if I can hop in the bathtub with him he says 'uh huh' and nods his head, and then says "oh oh!" when he sees that all of his toys are floating in the space in the back of the tub where I would need to go. He immediately starts whipping them, one by one, to the front of the tub so I can get in and have a place to sit. So sweet and thoughtful.
A few more pictures and some of his words below:
Ben's Language:
ook or yook = Luke
ah doin? = What are you doing?
ah dat? = What's that?
aink ooh = Thank you
baff = Bath
beel = Snowmobile
Ah ip = I want a chip
made = lemonade
**He loves to wear undies (over his diaper), which I believe I already mentioned in a previous posting. He comes barreling down the hall with a new pair of undies every few hours and launches them at me, yelling, "Undies, Undies!" He refuses to wear pants or socks.
**He fell in love with the game of golf and plays from morning till night. He sleeps with his golf clubs and brings them in the car with us wherever we go. At 7am he comes into our room with his clubs and says "Ready golf Daddy?!" Check out this video I posted on Youtube:
**He follows direction and is very obedient. If we ask him to get a diaper, throw something in the garbage, put away his jammies, bring his dinner plate to the sink or clean up his toys, he takes off in a sprint yelling "ALRIGHT!" to us as he goes about his chore. What a good attitude he has while he's doing his chores, too!
**He is the only 1 1/2 year old I know that puts himself down for a nap. When he is tired he grabs his blankie, says "Nigh nigh," and walks down the hall to Luke's room. He steps up on his little red step stool, crawls into the corner of the bed and goes to sleep. Nighttime is similar, although there are nights where it doesn't go quite as smoothly simply because he doesn't want to stop golfing.
**He loves baths and takes 2 a day at times. He'd take more if we'd let him. He yells "Baff Mommy! I wanna baff." multiple times throughout the day.
**He is a pretty free spirit. Where his brother is more conservative and cautious, Ben just goes for it. If Ben and Luke get a bouncy ball at the little Green Lake Mall, Luke sticks it right in his pocket to keep it safe. Ben, on the other hand, lets that baby fly. He wails it against the wall and watches it fly down the hallway, bouncing from the walls to the ceiling to walls again as it travels down the hall. He takes off in a sprint to chase it, giggling the entire way, and often diving on the floor to stop and secure the bouncy ball.
**He loves his wacket (i.e., jacket, which is actually a yellow vest) and any sort of sunglasses (or goggles).
**He agrees to sit on the "potty" almost every time we ask (though he hasn't actually been successful yet).
**He loves watermelon as much as his daddy and even eats it just like Paul with a spoon right out of the melon. I caught him doing this for the first time a few days ago (picture below). This could hurt our grocery budget since in the summertime we have been known to consistently eat 4 watermelons in 4 days. Ben now eats watermelon 4-5 times a day. This summer we might go through 8 watermelons in 4 days. Yikes!
**When I ask if I can hop in the bathtub with him he says 'uh huh' and nods his head, and then says "oh oh!" when he sees that all of his toys are floating in the space in the back of the tub where I would need to go. He immediately starts whipping them, one by one, to the front of the tub so I can get in and have a place to sit. So sweet and thoughtful.
A few more pictures and some of his words below:
Ben's Language:
ook or yook = Luke
ah doin? = What are you doing?
ah dat? = What's that?
aink ooh = Thank you
baff = Bath
beel = Snowmobile
Ah ip = I want a chip
made = lemonade
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