First of all, Meredith is almost 6 months old (on Jan 2nd). I missed her 4 month stats - she was 87% for height and 85% for weight (16lb 8 oz). She gets smothered with kisses from her brothers, who cannot seem to get enough of her. They crawl in her crib the minute she wakes up in the morning and for about 20 minutes they kiss her and love her. And she just chills out and takes it, whether or not she's hungry or wet from a full night of sleep, she is sweet and kind to her brothers and doesn't complain. See pictures below! She doesn't roll over yet, but started eating some solids recently and is sitting up on her own pretty well. She is the most content little girl ever. She will go for hours without making a peep, just sitting with anyone who wants to hold her. She likes to chew on her bottom lip and talks to us in a very high-pitched squeal, excited to hear her voice and learn how it works. She has beautiful blue eyes with long eyelashes. So far there isn't much difference in a girl versus my boys. I have come to realize that new babies are new babies, and that boys and girls, as newborns, are much the same. I'm sure the personality and gender differences will start to appear soon. Paul often says about Meredith, "She's the cutest little boy I've ever seen!" She sure is cute, whether she looks like a girl or a boy. :) The eyes say 'girl' most definitely. And of course the hair will get longer eventually!

The weekend after Thanksgiving we went to the Metrodome to cheer on the NLS Wildcat football team in the Prep Bowl. Although they lost in a nail-biter, it was fun for the boys to see the Metrodome for the first and last time, since they are tearing it down any day now.
We also got our Christmas tree and did some sledding that weekend. The boys were so excited about picking out a TALL tree and decorating. They hung 90% of the ornaments on just two branches on the bottom of the tree....and prior to the lights being strung on. We ended up correcting the imbalance, and the tree turned out beautifully. Me, Lukey, and Benny made some ornaments of our own this year to give the tree a splash of red and some inspiration. Below are some pictures of the tree decorating and sledding.

Christmas was filled with fun, late nights, and Hannigs! Heather was home from NYC and Mike and Virginia from Iowa. Monday the 23rd ended up being a large slumber party with Heather, Mike, and Virginia crashing at our house. We watched the movie Elf not once, but TWICE that night, back to back. Luke was in heaven! The morning of the 24th we woke up to our Christmas present from Mike and Virginia - the most delicious, elaborate breakfast made and served to us. Heather stayed and Joe popped over. It was a wonderful breakfast and a special time with family.
Elf! |
Our Christmas gift - being served! What a genius idea. |
Look at this table! Yum! |
Mer-bear is ready for some pancakes and sausage! |
There is so much more to add about our lives and the kids right now. But it will have to wait for another post when my eyes are not so heavy. Paul and I continue to thank God for the blessings we have. We sit in amazement many days/nights and talk about how God has given us more than we could ever imagine - a beautiful and safe home in a wonderful community, healthy children, a good job/career that Paul loves, the ability for me to stay home with our kids, a church with great teaching and amazing fellowship, friends who are genuine and real, and family close by (just 10ft away in some cases - Joe).
And I'm feeling blessed as I just peaked in on my boys snuggled next to each other in the bed they share. And as I gave Meredith a kiss on her cheek in her crib. And as Paul swings his golf club in the middle of the living room in front of me.
Signing off, feeling blessed.
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