Ben gives preschool a test run
Ben, Meredith, and I went to Praise and Play preschool (where Luke went to preschool) for the morning a few days ago. We got there at 8:30am and stayed until 11am. I would say around 10am Ben started to come out of his shell (sounds a bit like big brother, Lukey). I stayed with Ben the entire time. When we picked up Luke from school he asked Ben, "Ben, did you like preschool?" Ben said yes. Then Luke asked, "Do you want to go back again, Ben?" Ben said yes. Luke asked, "Do you want to stay there without Mom next time?" Ben said no. ;) Then Luke continued to encourage him and told him about all the fun things he did at Praise and Play when he was in preschool there. It was sweet to hear Luke asking Ben all these questions and then encouraging him. For now, we will just prepare Ben for starting preschool in the Fall and enjoy our time with him at home all day, every day. Mom is just fine with that!
Meredith, on the other hand, IS ready for preschool! She is nothing like Luke and Ben were at 18 months old (who were quite cautious and wanted to stay by mom's side). She tore around that preschool like she owned it and had been going to school for years. When it was time to pick up after the morning 'free play,' the kids and teachers held hands to sing a clean up song. Meredith was right in the circle, holding hands with two little preschoolers. Then she got busy picking up. Off she went! When the teacher told the kids it was time to sit down on the rug for a story, Meredith ran over to the rug and plopped down right next to another little girl and looked up at the girl like they were old friends. After story time it was snack time. The teacher told the kids, "If you have blue and orange on today, you can go wash your hands and sit down for snack." A few kids, lucky enough to have orange and blue on, ran off to wash their hands. The teacher continued choosing different colors, and when she said "anyone with pink and white on can go get ready for snack," I told Meredith, "Go Mer, that's you! You have pink and white on!" Meredith got up and took off running toward the sink and tables in the other room with her little arms pumping, looking back only once to get an encouraging nod from me and Ben. She was a pig in poop. :) She painted, colored, did a dot-to-dot valentine project, played with babies, read books, learned about the letter Z and number 21, danced to a number of bible songs, learned about Joseph and his beautiful coat, and made a bunch of new friends! Ben did the same, of course!
We had such a wonderful time!

Meredith, on the other hand, IS ready for preschool! She is nothing like Luke and Ben were at 18 months old (who were quite cautious and wanted to stay by mom's side). She tore around that preschool like she owned it and had been going to school for years. When it was time to pick up after the morning 'free play,' the kids and teachers held hands to sing a clean up song. Meredith was right in the circle, holding hands with two little preschoolers. Then she got busy picking up. Off she went! When the teacher told the kids it was time to sit down on the rug for a story, Meredith ran over to the rug and plopped down right next to another little girl and looked up at the girl like they were old friends. After story time it was snack time. The teacher told the kids, "If you have blue and orange on today, you can go wash your hands and sit down for snack." A few kids, lucky enough to have orange and blue on, ran off to wash their hands. The teacher continued choosing different colors, and when she said "anyone with pink and white on can go get ready for snack," I told Meredith, "Go Mer, that's you! You have pink and white on!" Meredith got up and took off running toward the sink and tables in the other room with her little arms pumping, looking back only once to get an encouraging nod from me and Ben. She was a pig in poop. :) She painted, colored, did a dot-to-dot valentine project, played with babies, read books, learned about the letter Z and number 21, danced to a number of bible songs, learned about Joseph and his beautiful coat, and made a bunch of new friends! Ben did the same, of course!
We had such a wonderful time!
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