A message left on my kitchen table

I found this 'message' on my kitchen table.  I suspected Ben.  He is my little artist, always coloring and drawing and painting on this corner of the table.  But I thought I would ask all three kids about it:

Me:  Hey guys, who wrote 'mom' on the table?

Luke: Not me!

Meredith: Not me!

Ben: I did it.

Me: Did you just press too hard with a pen when you were making me a card or something?

Ben: No, I did it with a nail!

Oh Benny!  I just love him. I'm keeping this table forever now. Seriously, he is the sweetest little boy.  He is always thinking "mom" and he shows it by leaving sweet cards on my nightstand, leaving painted rocks that say "I love Mom" on my bed, or leaving "mom" etched in the kitchen table with a nail.  :)  


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