Putting Daddy to bed

When we moved into our new home, Paul and I got a king-sized bed and Luke moved from his crib to our old queen bed.  We loved that queen bed and haven't quite fallen in love with our new king yet.  At night we read books in our comfy old queen with Luke.  When the lights go out, Luke asks us to stay with him for a bit.  Paul stays many times.  I'll be cleaning up the kitchen and soon I hear Luke's door close, but instead of Paul coming out I hear little feet patter my way.  Here comes Luke.  He says, "Dad's weeping mom."  Then a few seconds later Luke says, "I go check on Dad, Mom."  And he will run back to his room to check on dad, just like we say we will come back to check on him.  When he runs back out to the kitchen he says, "Dad's okay mom.  He's weeping."  I tell Luke, "Thanks for putting Daddy to bed again."  :)


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