
Showing posts from August, 2012

Just a summer update

We moved into our new home just a little over a year ago.  I don't miss the Cities, just some of the friends I still have there.  I LOVE being home with the boys - as I state in just about every blog post that I type.  There isn't a day that goes by where I do not thank God for this special time I can be with Luke and Ben, seeing and experiencing every special, crazy moment of every day with them. This summer we made a few home improvements, experimented with a garden, but mostly, just spent time together, and spent time with the Dold and Hannig families. This update is mostly just to post a few pictures of my favorite boys.  Sorry, the pictures don't format all that well and they are all over the place rather than in a nice orderly sequence. Grandpa's Ernie's convertible At the Spicer park.  I love this picture. Look at that face.  Those cheeks and lips and chin! So smoochable! Uncle Joe putting Luke's shorts on Benny for fu...

All Done!

Ben can say "All Done" - or rather, his voice inflection can say All Done.  :)

Ben's stats - 15 months

Ben, you are growing like a weed.  You had your 15 month appointment this past Monday.  Since your12 month appointment just 3 months ago, you have grown almost 3 inches!  We couldn't be positive, but we did think it looked like your head was getting closer to the top of the counter when you walked under it!  You are 33 inches tall - the 90th percentile.  Your weight is 29 lbs, 12oz.  That is just ONE OUNCE from 30 pounds, I should call out.  :)  That is the 95th percentile.  At the same age, Luke weighed 26lbs.  So Benny, you have your brother by 4lbs at the 15 month mark. We've also been waiting and waiting for more teeth.  You have had your 4 top teeth and bottom 2 teeth for what seems like years (although it has actually been 6 months).  Tonight when changing your diaper I stuck my finger in your mouth and definitely felt a bottom right tooth down there.  I will keep you posted on the teeth status.

Another entertaining run

I love my time out jogging with the boys in the stroller.  Some of my most joyful memories have already come from this time together.  It is our time for learning, discovering, counting, working on the alphabet, singing songs, and discussing God's creation. Yesterday I was begging them both to come for a run with me.  Both were adamant about staying at home with Dad.   Oh, but I now get so bored without them,  I think .  I'd much rather listen to Benny screaming Aye, Aye, Aye (hi, hi, hi) to every person and puppy we pass and then saying  Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka ( as we see cars, motorcycles, bikes, trucks, or other "wheeled" vehicles) than listen to an iPod.  And I would much rather answer Luke's Why, why, why, why questions...while gasping for air...than try to find something to think about during a long boring run without my best buddies. Well yesterday, once I said I'm out of here boys.  I really wish you were coming along with me, th...

What I love about Ben at 15 months

**His white-blond hair **The way his cheeks jiggle when he runs or even walks quickly **His little belly, which leads him when he walks **His smile, which he flashes so freely **The way he brings me this little Dominican Republic shirt that Paul and I bought on our honeymoon and how he holds out his arm for me to slip it on him.  And how he wears it around for hours.  And the way he loves to wear other things around his little shoulders, like my bras or a medal, or anything else he finds laying around the house (see pictures). **How he is ALWAYS eating (which at times is exhausting for mom and dad to keep up with) **How he eats pickles constantly, even for breakfast.  He walks to the fridge and whines until I open it up, then points to the pickles and if I take them out he squeals and screams with delight over the pickles. **How he gives hugs and slobbery kisses anytime you ask for one. **How he walks in front of me if I'm sitting on the floor, then backs u...

My little helper, Luke

Luke has been such a nice boy in the past few weeks.  He seems to be growing and maturing.  He has stopped bullying his brother and has flipped the switch completely, being so kind to his brother and extremely protective of him.  He has been amazingly helpful to his mom, too.  Here is a list of what Luke did to help me today: 1. He loaded all of the dishes in the dishwasher 2. He saw me folding laundry and asked to help.  He folded all of his own laundry and then put all of it away in his room. 3. He watched his brother for me.  We were outside and I had to quickly run inside.  Luke said, " Mom, I will keep and eye on Benny for you - to make sure nothing happens to him."   As I thanked Luke and walked to the house, I saw him put his arm around Benny and say, " It's okay, Benny, mommy will be right back.  I'm here.  It's okay."   When I came back outside a second later, Luke was running across the yard to get a big blue ball for ...

We're down a couple of Hannigs at the Hannig home

Today was both a sad and exciting day.  We lost two of our roommates, Pete and Eryn, here at the Hannig community.  Our Hannig home feels a little small and lonely.  But I over-exaggerate, because really, we were with them all day today helping them move into their new home and it's only been an hour or two since we last saw them.  Plus, we are so happy and excited for them to have a wonderful home just 2.5 miles from us.  And we still have our neighbor, Joe.  :) Since last November, 2011, Luke and Ben have had the privilege of living with two of their Hannig uncles, Pete and Joe (although Joe is in his own little guest home next door and not in our house).  We know this time won't last forever, so we relish in this special season of our lives - a season when little boys can have the rare opportunity to live with their uncles and grown brothers can live together again like they did in their childhood.  We do not take this special time ...