What I love about Ben at 15 months

**His white-blond hair
**The way his cheeks jiggle when he runs or even walks quickly
**His little belly, which leads him when he walks
**His smile, which he flashes so freely
**The way he brings me this little Dominican Republic shirt that Paul and I bought on our honeymoon and how he holds out his arm for me to slip it on him.  And how he wears it around for hours.  And the way he loves to wear other things around his little shoulders, like my bras or a medal, or anything else he finds laying around the house (see pictures).
**How he is ALWAYS eating (which at times is exhausting for mom and dad to keep up with)
**How he eats pickles constantly, even for breakfast.  He walks to the fridge and whines until I open it up, then points to the pickles and if I take them out he squeals and screams with delight over the pickles.
**How he gives hugs and slobbery kisses anytime you ask for one.
**How he walks in front of me if I'm sitting on the floor, then backs up and plops his butt down in my lap.
**How he just lays on the couch, bed or floor as though he is an adult who is truly relaxing (see pictures).
**How he self-soothes with his blankie, his little blue bear, or even his Dominican Republic shirt.  When he grabs any of these things, he instantly puts it to his face, puts his fingers in his mouth and starts sucking.
**How smart he is.  Although he can't communicate with many verbal words, he uses sign language quite a bit (usually to communicate he needs more of something) and he has amazing word recognition and follows directions so well.  Today I asked him to get a diaper for me and he took off running to his room for a diaper.  If I tell him to throw something in the garbage he will do just that.  If I ask him where his shoes are, he will point to them.  At 15 months babies really know a lot, they just can talk much.  :)

There are obviously many more things I love about this boy at 15 months, but these are the first that popped to mind.  Now for the pictures.
The Dominican Republic shirt.  It was originally thought that my nephew Jonathan (who was 4 when we got married) would wear this at our wedding ceremony here in Spicer.
Note this is a different outfit than the previous picture.  He wears the shirt with every outfit, every day.  Here are two of Ben's "soothers" - the shirt and the blue bear (a gift from cousin Gracie).
Wearing a medal...while dustbusting...
Wearing a bra, while driving his car...

Relaxing on the couch...with his DR shirt on, of course
Even chilling when standing at Daddy's softball game.

And REALLY relaxed here.  This is what we see most often.  He really likes to just kick back and relax. :)


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