Dear Luke, Ben and Meredith: meet yourselves at ages 8, 6, and 4

Luke, Ben, and Mer - I recently put together our Christmas card and decided to write a little bit about each of you.  I had to be succinct and choose each word VERY carefully because of the space limitations on the card.  I would type a bunch of stuff about one of you, then it would give me a notification that my text didn't fit. So I would edit, remove a few words, choose different words, etc.  What I've written below is what ended up on our card.  I think this is a really good snapshot of each of you at your current ages: Luke-8, Ben-6, Meredith-4

Luke: 8 years old. 3rd grade. Luke loves everything baseball and football related. He is very competitive & comes home daily telling of epic kickball battles at recess. He is inquisitive and curious, asking endless questions.  He prefers one-on-one time and small groups. He is a master negotiator, which we assume will serve him well in the future. His strong will is balanced with his sweet, caring, and sentimental side. You often find him reading, solving his Rubik's cube, or checking

Ben: 6 years old. 1st grade. We marvel at his unique personality and his ability to express himself through art, drawings, tattoos and clothing. He has a tender heart and is often the peace keeper among his siblings.  He has a strong work ethic, is very kind, and is always encouraging people. His dad says 'he is not a slave to public opinion' - what a great and freeing quality!  You've likely caught a glimpse of that trait if you've been around Benny at all! He is such a special boy!

Meredith: 4 years old. Pre-K. Meredith hangs and bangs with the boys in her life. She can hold her own in a nerf gun war with 15 older boys. On the flip side, she loves her baby dolls and dressing as a princess. She can be heard singing all day long. She loves school and is a brave little thing when it comes to ambiguity or change. She is a mix of Luke's competitive, strong will and Ben's interesting, artistic personality. She LOVES to laugh and makes us genuinely laugh all day long. 


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