A day in the life...
A quick recap of our day at the Paul Hannig household:
Meredith continues to be a challenge to keep alive. In the past week or two, I have fished the following items out of her mouth: green monopoly house, white Lego, rubber end to our bathroom doorstop, and plastic piece from the top of an Old Navy clothes hanger. See items below:
Today, miss Meredith took it up a notch. To set the scene: I had Meredith sitting on the carpet in the living room with a basketball, watching Benny shoot baskets. There were no toys out, nothing to present a choking hazard. I was dusting. We have a set of glass coasters on an end table, which I set on the floor as I dusted. The end table was about 6 feet from where Meredith was sitting. In the past, one of the coasters had broken so I knew the glass could chip or break. And so I was sure to put the coasters back up on the end table before Meredith would try to reach them on the floor (she isn't completely crawling...but very, very close. She can get where she needs to go with a combination of crawling, scooting, and rolling). I went up to the kitchen. A minute later, I looked down and Meredith was sitting over by the end table with a set of coasters scattered all over the place on the hard floor (although I hadn't heard a crash). She had crawled/scooted the 6 feet over to the end table, pulled herself up to grab the coasters, and pulled the coasters down to the floor. Benny, ever protective of his little sister, didn't think she could choke on the coasters, and so continued shooting hoops. I ran down to Mer, knowing the potential for those coasters to chip or break (especially if she pulled them off the end table and onto the hard floor). Sure enough, she was doing something strange with her mouth. I looked down and saw a big chunk of glass out of one of the coasters. I immediately swept her mouth with my finger and found a rather large and sharp piece of glass in her mouth. Check this out:
My sweet, little Meredith is quick, stealthy, and curious. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. Ben didn't put ANYTHING in his mouth. Luke didn't really put much in his mouth, either. I'm not sure how to keep this little girl alive. Once she really starts to crawl we could be in trouble. I've asked my friend, Chauntal, to add Meredith to her daily prayer list because the potential choking incidents have been almost daily! And faithful Chauntal will literally pray for Meredith daily to avoid near-death situations like these. !!
So then I went to work at Jake's for a few hours and came home to nothing serious, other than Ben smashing his head on the floor (this happens every so often). He has quite an egg on his head. I left again to go to worship choir practice and came home to a few stories from Paul. Meredith had a massive blowout - so he put her and Ben in the tub. He left them for 2 seconds to throw the poopy diaper outside and as he hussled back in he heard Ben say, "Oops, sorry daddy." He ran to the tub to find Meredith lying on her back, almost underwater, with just her nose and mouth above water...totally panicked. Paul fished her out. MEREDITH, we are trying....but we aren't doing such a great job! After hearing this story, I asked Ben what happened and if he had pushed her down, to which he responded, "Well, maybe it happened like that. Sorry, Mom." Ahh, we're pretty sure it did happen like that. It is out of character for Ben to push Meri, but it probably wasn't intentional...most likely she was in the way of an esteemed bath toy. Ben and I have done tub drills so he will know what to do if Meredith ever falls down. He's just a little too young to know what to do. He is informed to get her face/nose/mouth out of the water, try to sit her up, and scream for help. That should never be an issue, because we would never leave Meredith's side if she's in the tub. Except for 2 seconds tonight, to throw a poopy diaper out. Ugh. That won't happen ever again.
Well, moving forward. Paul reminded me he threw the poopy onsie in the toilet to soak (gross, but he was trying to manage a blowout and watch 2 kids in the tub, so it was not a bad plan). Of course I forgot this information and after holding my bladder for hours, ran to the bathroom and peed all over the onsie in the toilet. Hmm, now what do I do?! I am not touching that poopy onsie that I just peed on! I left it there to figure out later because right at the moment someone was yelling for me. I ran to help, then as I was leaving the boys' room I stepped on (actually into) the boys' football helmet that had been left in the middle of the hallway floor. It smashed against my shin and ricocheted to my knee, leaving huge and instant bruises in both places, and so in my frustration with peeing on a onsie and smashing my shin on a toy that I'm sure I had asked to be put away 10 times, I kicked the helmet as far as I could and sent it flying down the hallway, smashing into our bedroom wall, while screaming "PICK UP YOUR TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luke was concerned and came to check if I was seriously injured. I assured him I was not. Ben just kept playing, naked, in the living room, oblivious and fascinated with his new light saber from Grandma and Grandpa Hannig.
Well, drama aside, Luke celebrated his birthday at his school today. He will be 5 in two days. Wow. He brought his Lego superman car for show-and-tell and cupcakes for snack. He was pretty pumped.
Bedtime. Here's to a safer tomorrow.

Meredith continues to be a challenge to keep alive. In the past week or two, I have fished the following items out of her mouth: green monopoly house, white Lego, rubber end to our bathroom doorstop, and plastic piece from the top of an Old Navy clothes hanger. See items below:
Today, miss Meredith took it up a notch. To set the scene: I had Meredith sitting on the carpet in the living room with a basketball, watching Benny shoot baskets. There were no toys out, nothing to present a choking hazard. I was dusting. We have a set of glass coasters on an end table, which I set on the floor as I dusted. The end table was about 6 feet from where Meredith was sitting. In the past, one of the coasters had broken so I knew the glass could chip or break. And so I was sure to put the coasters back up on the end table before Meredith would try to reach them on the floor (she isn't completely crawling...but very, very close. She can get where she needs to go with a combination of crawling, scooting, and rolling). I went up to the kitchen. A minute later, I looked down and Meredith was sitting over by the end table with a set of coasters scattered all over the place on the hard floor (although I hadn't heard a crash). She had crawled/scooted the 6 feet over to the end table, pulled herself up to grab the coasters, and pulled the coasters down to the floor. Benny, ever protective of his little sister, didn't think she could choke on the coasters, and so continued shooting hoops. I ran down to Mer, knowing the potential for those coasters to chip or break (especially if she pulled them off the end table and onto the hard floor). Sure enough, she was doing something strange with her mouth. I looked down and saw a big chunk of glass out of one of the coasters. I immediately swept her mouth with my finger and found a rather large and sharp piece of glass in her mouth. Check this out:
My sweet, little Meredith is quick, stealthy, and curious. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. Ben didn't put ANYTHING in his mouth. Luke didn't really put much in his mouth, either. I'm not sure how to keep this little girl alive. Once she really starts to crawl we could be in trouble. I've asked my friend, Chauntal, to add Meredith to her daily prayer list because the potential choking incidents have been almost daily! And faithful Chauntal will literally pray for Meredith daily to avoid near-death situations like these. !!
So then I went to work at Jake's for a few hours and came home to nothing serious, other than Ben smashing his head on the floor (this happens every so often). He has quite an egg on his head. I left again to go to worship choir practice and came home to a few stories from Paul. Meredith had a massive blowout - so he put her and Ben in the tub. He left them for 2 seconds to throw the poopy diaper outside and as he hussled back in he heard Ben say, "Oops, sorry daddy." He ran to the tub to find Meredith lying on her back, almost underwater, with just her nose and mouth above water...totally panicked. Paul fished her out. MEREDITH, we are trying....but we aren't doing such a great job! After hearing this story, I asked Ben what happened and if he had pushed her down, to which he responded, "Well, maybe it happened like that. Sorry, Mom." Ahh, we're pretty sure it did happen like that. It is out of character for Ben to push Meri, but it probably wasn't intentional...most likely she was in the way of an esteemed bath toy. Ben and I have done tub drills so he will know what to do if Meredith ever falls down. He's just a little too young to know what to do. He is informed to get her face/nose/mouth out of the water, try to sit her up, and scream for help. That should never be an issue, because we would never leave Meredith's side if she's in the tub. Except for 2 seconds tonight, to throw a poopy diaper out. Ugh. That won't happen ever again.
Well, moving forward. Paul reminded me he threw the poopy onsie in the toilet to soak (gross, but he was trying to manage a blowout and watch 2 kids in the tub, so it was not a bad plan). Of course I forgot this information and after holding my bladder for hours, ran to the bathroom and peed all over the onsie in the toilet. Hmm, now what do I do?! I am not touching that poopy onsie that I just peed on! I left it there to figure out later because right at the moment someone was yelling for me. I ran to help, then as I was leaving the boys' room I stepped on (actually into) the boys' football helmet that had been left in the middle of the hallway floor. It smashed against my shin and ricocheted to my knee, leaving huge and instant bruises in both places, and so in my frustration with peeing on a onsie and smashing my shin on a toy that I'm sure I had asked to be put away 10 times, I kicked the helmet as far as I could and sent it flying down the hallway, smashing into our bedroom wall, while screaming "PICK UP YOUR TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luke was concerned and came to check if I was seriously injured. I assured him I was not. Ben just kept playing, naked, in the living room, oblivious and fascinated with his new light saber from Grandma and Grandpa Hannig.
Well, drama aside, Luke celebrated his birthday at his school today. He will be 5 in two days. Wow. He brought his Lego superman car for show-and-tell and cupcakes for snack. He was pretty pumped.
Bedtime. Here's to a safer tomorrow.
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