Dear Luke
You are going to be five years old in just a few weeks. Last night I lied next to you in bed while you slept. Your face looks so grown up. You are long and lean. I started to cry. I remember, like it was yesterday, lying in bed with a one year old, singing bah-bah black sheep (you would say "sing ba-ba, mama"), and now you are almost in kindergarten. You have become such a caring, mature, young boy. I love spending time with you, doing puzzles or reading books or putting together legos. I miss you when you are at preschool. (That is another entire journal entry I never got to writing about - the emotions we both went through this past September when you started pre-school. It was so hard on my heart to see you go....and caused you so much anxiety to go at first. We both cried a lot those first few weeks). Well, now you are at school Tues mornings, Wednesdays a full day, and Thursday mornings. And when you aren't at school you are begging for play dates with friends. I'm proud of heart swells with pride when I see you interacting with friends, being courageous to go to a full day of school, communicating with your teachers, and learning and growing.
I was in charge of the nursery at church a few weeks ago. I offered a little 9 month old baby girl some puffs to eat. She just stared at me, not taking the puffs. You looked at this little 9 month old, and very matter-of-factly, you said to her, "It's good to try new things, you know." It was really cute and funny. You hear me say that to you often, I guess. :)
I love you, buddy. Thanks for being a sweet boy, a good big brother, and a wonderful son to your mama.
You are going to be five years old in just a few weeks. Last night I lied next to you in bed while you slept. Your face looks so grown up. You are long and lean. I started to cry. I remember, like it was yesterday, lying in bed with a one year old, singing bah-bah black sheep (you would say "sing ba-ba, mama"), and now you are almost in kindergarten. You have become such a caring, mature, young boy. I love spending time with you, doing puzzles or reading books or putting together legos. I miss you when you are at preschool. (That is another entire journal entry I never got to writing about - the emotions we both went through this past September when you started pre-school. It was so hard on my heart to see you go....and caused you so much anxiety to go at first. We both cried a lot those first few weeks). Well, now you are at school Tues mornings, Wednesdays a full day, and Thursday mornings. And when you aren't at school you are begging for play dates with friends. I'm proud of heart swells with pride when I see you interacting with friends, being courageous to go to a full day of school, communicating with your teachers, and learning and growing.
I was in charge of the nursery at church a few weeks ago. I offered a little 9 month old baby girl some puffs to eat. She just stared at me, not taking the puffs. You looked at this little 9 month old, and very matter-of-factly, you said to her, "It's good to try new things, you know." It was really cute and funny. You hear me say that to you often, I guess. :)
I love you, buddy. Thanks for being a sweet boy, a good big brother, and a wonderful son to your mama.
Below: We recently went to your Early Childhood screening, which is completed prior to going to Kindergarten. I love your nose flare in this picture. You did awesome the entire 2 hours we were there. And I loved the one-on-one time with you.
Below was a picture sent from Ms. Trisha just this morning.
Below: This picture was hanging above your hook at school. I think it's so funny and clever and creative!
Below: This is the picture above your hook at school. It was taken the first day of preschool. You cried and screamed so hard that morning, begging not to go. I stayed in bed, crying, with a pillow over my head and my heart breaking, as dad brought you to school.
Below: You and I volunteered to sell Herberger's coupon books to raise money for your preschool. We only sold 5 in 2 hours. Ha! But you were a sweet salesman, holding up the coupon books and telling people, "It's for my school."
Below: Another picture sent from your teacher, Ms. Trisha. Playing Candyland at school.
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