Ben turns 4
This is a little overdue, as Ben turned 4 on May 1. As I say often, I'm not sure where the time goes. It seems like we just moved to the New London Spicer area. But we moved here when Ben was two days old, straight from the Maple Grove Hospital to New London. And now he is four. Paul pulled out our video camera tonight's ago and I could hardly watch it because I got so sad and sentimental. There were videos of Luke at age 2 and Ben at 6 months old, right after we moved into our current home in Spicer. Luke he kept running by Benjamin in the kitchen and Ben would belly laughing with glee. Luke's little voice was so sweet and Ben's little six-month-old body was so squeezable. It's precious to have those memories captured but so often it is difficult for me to watch them because I tend to miss those times and moments and realize that I can hardly remember them. At the same, I wonder how four years could have passed because it seems like just yesterday. Time is so strange that way. I am so grateful for Ben. I am grateful for his kind demeanor. He has a tender heart. He is easy-going, unique, confident, athletic, and simple. He is a truly special boy. It was a beautiful May day and we even got in the pool. :)

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