FISHING! Last weekend we decided it was time to learn to fish. After a friend of Luke's gave him a little taste of it on Green Lake, we headed to Willmar to buy some fishing rods. Paul was quite a champion, patiently learning how to get the line ready, tie a knot, put on the hook, etc. etc. It took THREE hours (and the boys were begging to get going that entire time...enough to drive a person insane!). Thankfully Paul was humble enough to hop on the golf cart and seek out the wisdom and experience of our neighbor Jeff, who dropped everything he was doing on a Friday night and helped our family for over an hour to get us out on the lake fishing. Once our rods were ready and Jeff had helped the boys practice casting, we grabbed some turkey (yes, our bait because we couldn't waste another minute looking for worms or driving to a store to buy some), hopped on the golf cart and headed to the lake. The public access at the bottom of our road was our destination. It was a busy Friday night with boats and trailers coming on and off the water, but finally, after waiting for a few boats, we were able to drop our lines from the dock. And INSTANTLY Benny had a fish! Within seconds Luke had one, too! It was a PERFECT place to fish for the first time ever. Within 10-20 minutes Ben had caught 8 fish, Luke had caught 5, and Meri and me had caught 2. The minute you dropped the line there was a catch. Paul and I had to toughen up and touch these little slimy and squirming sunnies and take them off the line. We are definitely amateurs, learning as we go (would have helped to bring a pliers to free a deep hook and fingernail clippers to cut tangled line), but we made it work with 2 things - our deli turkey and fishing rods. :) It's safe to say the boys (and mom) are obsessed.

Luke's friend, Abram, came over this week and he pulled in an 11oz, 12 inch crappie!
Luke's friend, Abram, came over this week and he pulled in an 11oz, 12 inch crappie!
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