Meredith is two! What?!
So much is packed into each week of summer, so I'm behind on blogging, but most notable is that Miss Meredith turned two! She's quite the Mer-bear. She got 2 betta fish ('fissies' as she calls them), one named Eddy and one named Gary Monson (after the excavator that gave us 200+ truckloads of dirt last summer). She got lots of adorable swimsuits and clothes, too. Here are some pics of this little gal. She has a style all her own.

Below, she is on the way to her 2 year doctor appointment wearing a winter hat, swimsuit top, diaper, and slippers. :) She hasn't hit 30 pounds yet. She was 29.1 lbs (78th percentile for weight). She was 36.4 inches, which is the 99th percentile! Tall little girl! She got her last vaccination and didn't even flinch when she got the shot. Not sure what that was about, since I didn't give her any tylenol beforehand. It was a pleasant surprise. Maybe it was the comforting she was receiving from big brother, Luke, who held her hand and encouraged her the entire time. Our doctor thought it was time to wean her from the Nuk so it wouldn't start to push her teeth out. This is going to be quite a chore. All day long I hear "Mama nukky? Mama nukky?" We will try to give it to her just at nap and bedtime and see how it goes.

Grandpa and grandma Dold brought a bunch of hand-me-downs from the Bell's when they came to celebrate. Ben found a Spiderman costume in one of the bags, and Meredith found some butterfly wings. Luke joined the fun, getting into his Superman Halloween costume. Hannah snapped this picture...a classic.
Below, she is on the way to her 2 year doctor appointment wearing a winter hat, swimsuit top, diaper, and slippers. :) She hasn't hit 30 pounds yet. She was 29.1 lbs (78th percentile for weight). She was 36.4 inches, which is the 99th percentile! Tall little girl! She got her last vaccination and didn't even flinch when she got the shot. Not sure what that was about, since I didn't give her any tylenol beforehand. It was a pleasant surprise. Maybe it was the comforting she was receiving from big brother, Luke, who held her hand and encouraged her the entire time. Our doctor thought it was time to wean her from the Nuk so it wouldn't start to push her teeth out. This is going to be quite a chore. All day long I hear "Mama nukky? Mama nukky?" We will try to give it to her just at nap and bedtime and see how it goes.
We bought Meri a "2" candle but made the mistake of letting her hold it the morning of her birthday. When it was time to frost and decorate the cake, the candle was nowhere to be found (later I found it among the Legos on the floor in the boys' bedroom). Luke thought outside the box and put a "3" candle minus "1" candle equals 2. If you look closely, you can see how he put a minus and equals sign in the frosting. It was a beautiful Thursday and both sides of grandparents were there to celebrate with us.
I can't believe my sweet-pea is two. We love you Meredith Nicole Hannig!
Love, Mom, Dad, Luke, and Benny
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