All three of my little babes are meeting milestones like crazy this summer. Let's start with the oldest of the crew - Mr. Luke Ervin:
Milestones of note for LUKE:
1. Biking (previously mentioned in a blog post)
2. Swimming without a lifejacket, in the deep end. Diving, cannon-balling, sommer-saulting, 360'ing off the diving board, and more. He is amazing! Just a month ago he wouldn't jump in the shallow end of the pool and get his face wet. We are extremely amazed at and proud of him. The picture below is from the auqatic center in Willmar...since the time of this picture he has completely stopped needing a life jacket but I wanted to add this picture b/c it's so cool.
3. Teeball'ing as a switch hitter; catching a baseball like never before. One day he hits right handed, the next left. What will he be??? We've determined he will just be a switch hitter! We are so proud of him for playing and improving and enjoying this game on his own.

4. Losing teeth! (a milestone that he has no control over, but a milestone in his life, nonetheless). This was also previously blogged about. His adult tooth is almost fully in, and he has a totally different look to him. He's growing up!
5. Fishing (see previous post titled "THE HANNIGS LEARN TO FISH!")
Milestones of note for BEN:
1. Fishing
2. Buckling his own seatbelt!!! YEEHAW! We are super proud of him for this and it makes coming and going and ins and outs of the car so much easier!
3. Jumping in the pool! And to add to that...he can now go underwater without plugging his nose or wearing goggles.
Milestones for Meredith:
1. Fishing (she's pretty good with Dad or Mom's help)
2. Swimming with the next stage lifejacket. She started with the one that went on her arms and across her chest. That one keeps her up and her head above water effortlessly. Yesterday she went in the water with a regular jacket. It required her to kick to keep her face and mouth above water and it required her to keep herself upright, so she wouldn't flip over on her back or tummy. She is also plugging her nose and putting her face in the water. What a little fish!
3. Potty training! This is blowing my mind. The day after turning 2, she went potty for me in the grass outside. She did it again the next day. A few days later, during Luke's teeball practice at the Spicer baseball fields, she went into the bathroom there, sat on a big person toilet, and went potty! Since that occurrence, she has gone 4-5 more times on the toilet. I'm extremely proud of her...since this is quite early in my mind. She is determined, independent, and smart though, and I don't doubt she will be doing it consistently in a few more weeks if we keep on it. She loves wearing underwear so I'm hoping she will be fully trained by the end of the summer. NO MORE DIAPERS! After 6 years of diapers, could we really be nearing the end of that stage of our life?

Milestones of note for LUKE:
1. Biking (previously mentioned in a blog post)
2. Swimming without a lifejacket, in the deep end. Diving, cannon-balling, sommer-saulting, 360'ing off the diving board, and more. He is amazing! Just a month ago he wouldn't jump in the shallow end of the pool and get his face wet. We are extremely amazed at and proud of him. The picture below is from the auqatic center in Willmar...since the time of this picture he has completely stopped needing a life jacket but I wanted to add this picture b/c it's so cool.
3. Teeball'ing as a switch hitter; catching a baseball like never before. One day he hits right handed, the next left. What will he be??? We've determined he will just be a switch hitter! We are so proud of him for playing and improving and enjoying this game on his own.
4. Losing teeth! (a milestone that he has no control over, but a milestone in his life, nonetheless). This was also previously blogged about. His adult tooth is almost fully in, and he has a totally different look to him. He's growing up!
5. Fishing (see previous post titled "THE HANNIGS LEARN TO FISH!")
Milestones of note for BEN:
1. Fishing
2. Buckling his own seatbelt!!! YEEHAW! We are super proud of him for this and it makes coming and going and ins and outs of the car so much easier!
3. Jumping in the pool! And to add to that...he can now go underwater without plugging his nose or wearing goggles.
Milestones for Meredith:
1. Fishing (she's pretty good with Dad or Mom's help)
2. Swimming with the next stage lifejacket. She started with the one that went on her arms and across her chest. That one keeps her up and her head above water effortlessly. Yesterday she went in the water with a regular jacket. It required her to kick to keep her face and mouth above water and it required her to keep herself upright, so she wouldn't flip over on her back or tummy. She is also plugging her nose and putting her face in the water. What a little fish!
3. Potty training! This is blowing my mind. The day after turning 2, she went potty for me in the grass outside. She did it again the next day. A few days later, during Luke's teeball practice at the Spicer baseball fields, she went into the bathroom there, sat on a big person toilet, and went potty! Since that occurrence, she has gone 4-5 more times on the toilet. I'm extremely proud of her...since this is quite early in my mind. She is determined, independent, and smart though, and I don't doubt she will be doing it consistently in a few more weeks if we keep on it. She loves wearing underwear so I'm hoping she will be fully trained by the end of the summer. NO MORE DIAPERS! After 6 years of diapers, could we really be nearing the end of that stage of our life?
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